Saturday, September 27

Start in Albuquerque NM, Shiprock, Four Corners, Monument Valley, Stay in Kayenta AZ.
  Highs 9/26: Albuquerque: Airport: 81; Foothills: 80; Valley: 82; Petroglyphs: 84
  Lows 9/27: Albuquerque: Airport: 59; Foothills: 56; Valley: 52; Petroglyphs: 58
  Highs 9/27: Farmington: 80; Teec Nos Pos: 86; Betatkim: 73 (closest I could find to Kayenta)
The main goal today was to get to Monument Valley, but did take advantage of the route to make some quick stops on the way. After a quick lunch in Bloomfield NM, we did expect to drive by the Shiprock formation in northwest New Mexico, and could easily see it as drove into the town of Shiprock. But the photography was not ideal with the hazy conditions, and did not want to spend the time to drive closer. We did stop west of the town of Shiprock, and took some photos of the formation to the south, although it was still hazy and was not the best angle to see the "ship" shape to the formation.
We were also going to pass within a few miles of the "four corners" where four states come together at the same point (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona). We made the quick detour here and stood in four states at the same time. Here my left foot is in Colorado and New Mexico, and my right foot is in Utah and Arizona.
After checking into our hotel in Kayenta AZ, we drove north to the Arizona-Utah border and went through the Monument Valley tribal park for the early evening and sunset.